At SILT We Believe…


‘Yes’ to Excellence, ‘No’ to Competition

Work places push us to compete with each other for scraps. This competition model keeps us from forming real bonds of friendship. Study after study shows that competition alienates workers, while cooperative work models build team buy-in and comaraderie, in turn increasing productivity. Why are we still acting like crabs in a very small bucket? At SILT, we aim to replace the competition model of work with one that nurtures excellence.


The Future of Work is Based in Care

As women we are STILL taught that inauthentic mimicry of destructive alpha male behavior is the fastest path to success. But mimicing in domination is the problem. Our natural disposition as women is overwhelmingly defined by care. SILT believes women are the natural leaders in the new workplace revolution.

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Standing in Power ≠ Dominating Others

Study after study shows that a hyper-competitive work model is not efficient, that it does not help us “live our best lives,” and is making us sick. As women, we have the tools to create an alternative model based on care, healing and lifting each other up, a model that allows our excellence to shine through, not from fear of being overlooked or fired, but because we are nurtured in our work environment to be our best selves.

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Real Sisterhood is Intersectional

Our workplaces are not just run by patriarchal and toxic competitive rules. They are also sites of racial and ethnic domination and aggression. As such, creating greater sisterhood can only happen after we begin to heal from racial trauma and tackle our internalized racial superiority (for white women) and internalized racial inferioirity (Black women and women of color).

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